Faithful readers will remember that some time ago I have published on the Vatican’s new Latin Bible. This version was called the Nova Vulgata, suggesting a continuity with Jerome’s Bible and the Clementine Vulgate which simply does not exist. The Vatican is the first to confirm this. The Nova Vulgata is a new translation.
It is a new text, determined on a verse by verse basis by a committee of scholars, who do not identify as traditional believers. Technically this Bible text has never existed as a proven tradition at any stage in the history of the church. It is a new 20th century Bible. This modern amalgamation text breaks with the ecclesiastical traditions of both the Eastern and the Western Church.
The research which proves this, has recently been published by the international journal for the New Testament Neotestamentica, 52.2 (2018) 433–470. It has now become available for everyone who cares to verify my statements, but unfortunately not yet as open access. If you work in education, it should in due course be available through JStor, but as reader of my blog you will have special access to a final draft, so that you can still be aware of the facts for free. If you wish, consider a tip on the link of the contact page.

In summary:
The Vatican may rest assured that, as far as the NT text is concerned, this journal article proves that their Nova Vulgata is fully in line with the present consensus of NT scholarship.
Traditional Roman Catholics are likely to be shocked by the fact that this research shows that the Vatican has replaced the traditional ecclesiastical text with a new textual tradition that is quite different from the text that was used for most of the history of the Western Church. Luther’s translation and the KJV are practically identical to the Vulgate, while all modern Catholic Bibles are major departures from the ecclesiastical text.
Traditional Protestants, on the other hand, might be confused by the fact that the Roman Catholic Bible of the Counter Reformation is much more similar to the text of Luther and Calvin than any modern NIV or other translation that is based on the USB text.
Readers who are ecumenically inclined will be satisfied to learn that the Reformation and the Counter Reformation are actually much closer than ever supposed, at least as far as their traditions of Holy Writ are concerned. Per implication, the same would be true for Orthodoxy, as their text is largely identical with the Textus Receptus. While KJV-only proponents will have to let go of one or two conspiracy theories, they will still have their Bible confirmed as authoritative church text.